
Space Birthday

Do you know how many Mars years old you are?


If you were born on Mars, how old would you be today? Or how many times has Jupiter gone around the sun since you were born? What's your age in Venusian years? This page can tell you! Enter your and your friends' birthdays using the form below. The information will only be stored on this computer, not on the server, so don't worry! (PS - I also have some printable space birthday worksheets you can download if you want to do these calculations yourself.)

  • Your/your friend's name:
  • Your/your friend's birthday:
You need to enter the year correctly - your Jupiter birthday doesn't fall on the same day each year, in fact most years you don't even have one!

Celebrity Birthdays

 Nicolaus Copernicus turns 896 Venus years old on the 13th May, 2024. Copernicus is famous for his model of the solar system that put the planets orbiting around the sun. . Links: Wikipedia, Amazon, Other Space Birthdays For Nicolaus Copernicus
 Arthur C. Clarke turns 173 Venus years old on the 21st May, 2024. Arthur C. Clarke was a science fiction author who dreamed of the time humanity would escape from planet earth and explore the galaxy. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Arthur C. Clarke
 Albert Einstein turns 236 Venus years old on the 21st May, 2024. Einstein's theory of relativity helped explain some oddities of the orbit of Mercury, which had been puzzling astronomers since the days of Newton. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Albert Einstein
 Galileo Galilei turns 1911 Mercury years old on the 22nd May, 2024. Galileo brought astronomy many leaps forward with his discoveries, including the discovery of the moons of Jupiter. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Galileo Galilei
 Asaph Hall turns 808 Mercury years old on the 24th May, 2024. Asaph Hall was an American astronomer who discovered the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Links: Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Asaph Hall
 Marie Curie turns 650 Mercury years old on the 27th May, 2024. Marie Curie was a scientist who studied radioactivity. She was the first person to win two Nobel prizes, and is still the only person ever to win two in two different disciplines. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Marie Curie
 Isaac Newton turns 620 Venus years old on the 30th May, 2024. Isaac Newton, amongst many other discoveries, developed a theory of gravity that helped explain how the planets move in their orbits. Links: Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Isaac Newton
 René Descartes turns 696 Venus years old on the 7th June, 2024. Descartes' work on mathematics was a great inspiration to Isaac Newton. Descartes made the famous quote "I think, therefore I am" (Cogito Ergo Sum). Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For René Descartes
 J. K. Rowling turns 2 Saturn years old on the 29th June, 2024. J. K. Rowling became famous for her Harry Potter series of books, after being rejected by eight different publishers. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Official Website, Other Space Birthdays For J. K. Rowling
 Arthur C. Clarke turns 9 Jupiter years old on the 9th September, 2024. Arthur C. Clarke was a science fiction author who dreamed of the time humanity would escape from planet earth and explore the galaxy. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Arthur C. Clarke