Newsletter #24 : A Geometry Quiz

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Last newsletter, I wrote…

If you are a bit tired of fractions, stay tuned! In the pipeline, I have…

  • An online geometry quiz game…
  • A set of those puzzles where each digit in an arithmetic problem has been replaced by a letter…

Well, the online geometry quiz game is now ready… Try it out! It tests the player’s knowledge of certain angle facts, such as the sum of angles in a triangle or quadrilateral, or angles near parallel lines, and so forth. You’ll need to have the Java Plugin installed in your browser – which most of you will already have.

By the way, since the last newsletter, I’ve made even more web pages giving examples of how to solve fractions questions, on a variety of fractions topics. All these fraction example generators are collected together on the fractions examples page.

In other news, on the 20th of August this website will turn four years old! I’ll be hosting a free competition to celebrate – look out or the announcement in this newsletter!