Newsletter #26 : The “Fours” Contest

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

If it’s your birthday today, you share a birthday with this website! Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids was started on the 20th of August, exactly four years ago, and now has over 75 free math games and resources. Hundreds of people use the site every day, enjoying the puzzles and games they find as they explore the site. Small parts of the site have been translated into Malay, Spanish and most recently Chinese.

To celebrate four years of mathematical fun, I’ve organized a free contest – called the “Fours” Contest (naturally). The idea is to make as many numbers as you can, using only the digit ‘4’ and the operations plus, minus, divide and times – and to do it using the digit as few times as possible.

Get your entries in by October 20, 2009. I’ll be sending out certificates to the best entry from each grade level, and to the overall winner.

Have fun!