Newsletter #29 : Kindy Bingo and Times Table Video Games

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Some time ago, someone came to the website, looking for a ‘bingo game for kindergarten kids, to learn the numbers 1 to 10’. Well, I didn’t have one at the time. Now, I do. If you want a new counting game for kindergarten kids, hop over to Kindergarten Bingo and download and print the bingo cards!

In the meantime, I came across a new 3D computer video game for teaching times tables. The main character is a cute blue mouse in a spacesuit. You can hop over directly to the Arithmemouse website, or read my review of arithmemouse. I’ve also written up a point by point comparison of Arithmemouse with Timez Attack.

And remember that the “Fours” contest closes in only one more month! Get your kids to start work on their entries, if they haven’t already!