Newsletter #30 : Last Chance to Enter the Fours Contest

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Before I say anything else, let me remind you that the “Fours” contest closes in just one more day… Entries should be in the post by tomorrow, so they can arrive here in time for me to pick the winner on the 27th!

A couple of newsletters ago, I said I’d be making some word-number puzzles. The puzzles in question are called Cryptarithms or alphametics, or sometimes Verbal Arithmetic or Letter Arithmetic. I wrote a computer program to find these puzzles, and it churned out millions of them. My wife and I have been sifting through these to find good ones, but we’ve alsp been preparing a CD with as many millions as we could pack into it.

So where does that leave us? Well, if you’re a fan of these puzzles, I’ll have to ask you to be patient for a while longer, until I can get a bunch of the best of them, nice and printable, uploaded to Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids! When this happens, I’ll announce them via this newsletter…

By the way, if you are shopping for Christmas, don’t forget that my wife has picked out a bunch of educational math toys, games and books from – gifts that are fun, but will also help kids learn math… You can browse them here – or if you have suggestions that should be on that page, hit ‘Reply’ and let me know…