[DMMGFK #56] 4 Million Cryptarithms Online Now

This is a back-issue of this site’s newsletter


Have you heard of cryptarithm puzzles? They’re a great pre-algebra puzzle, and some can be quite mind-bending. They’re also called called Crypt-Arithmetic puzzles, Letter Arithmetic puzzles or other names. A cryptarithm is a mathematical sum where each digit has been replaced with a letter. The puzzle is to restore the original sum.  Continue reading [DMMGFK #56] 4 Million Cryptarithms Online Now

Relativistic Share Trading

Once upon a time, if you wanted to buy or sell shares in a company, your wishes would be conveyed by word of mouth to a broker on the trading floor of a stock exchange. Then, he’d have to find another broker on the same floor willing to match your offer. This would, of course, take some time.

Continue reading Relativistic Share Trading

Barack Obama’s Education Policy

A while ago, I sent an email to all the people who might be president in 2013. In it, I asked :

  • What is the most important thing you would do, as president, to ensure America’s future prosperity?
  • Relative to this, how important to America’s future prosperity is the goal of ensuring all children have access to affordable education?
  • What plans, if any, do you have to ensure that all Americans have affordable access to high-quality education?

Today, the first reply came in – from Barack Obama. No reply yet from any of the Republican candidates, though I suppose there’s only one that matters now.

I’ve reproduced Barack Obama’s letter below. I’ll comment further when I get a reply from Mitt Romney, or when I’m convinced I’m not going to get one.

Continue reading Barack Obama’s Education Policy

Getting Your Kid Into a UK University

The Financial Times has a rather technical piece on the effect of some changes in how British Universities will be funded. Basically, the universities have been told

  • top students won’t count against your quota.
  • quotas will be cut in proportion.
  • non-university institutes of higher learning have successfully obtained 10000 quota places that were previously held by universities.

Continue reading Getting Your Kid Into a UK University