No More Money for British Maths

The EPSRC, or “Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council” is the body in the UK that decides what kinds of research in the physical sciences will get government grant money. Grant money is needed for advanced research in mathematics for the following reasons :

  • This kind of research produces amazing benefits down the track, however
  • The benefits come too slowly for the private sector to be interested in funding research

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Dice and Polynomials – Part 2

Can polynomials help invent new dice?
Can polynomials help invent new dice?

In my last blog post, I explained how to quickly and easily work out, say, the number of ways to get a 10 on three dice, just by multiplying together some polynomials. It doesn’t have to be real dice of course. The trick works just as well for spinners, balls in a hat, or computer random number generators.

Continue reading Dice and Polynomials – Part 2

Dice and Polynomials – Part 1

Can polynomials help calculate probabilities?
Can polynomials help calculate probabilities?

Imagine you have two coins. One side is blank, and one has a single dot. You flip the coins. How many ways can you get 0 dots? How many ways can you get 1 dot? How many ways can you get 2 dots?

If you got answers like “1 way / 2 ways / 1 way” you got it right.

Continue reading Dice and Polynomials – Part 1

7 Is Not Prime, and Fermat’s Last Theorem

I was reading a book about numbers recently, and almost put it down when it started talking about prime numbers. The author had tried to work out the prime factors of 72, got as far as 2 x 2 x 2 x 9, then said “you guessed it, 9 is a prime number!” Arrgh!

Continue reading 7 Is Not Prime, and Fermat’s Last Theorem

Topple Drop Game Review

Topple Drop has nice "Eye Candy"
Topple Drop has nice "Eye Candy"

There’s a new game out from the inventor of Arithmemouse, called Topple Drop. Like Arithmemouse, Topple Drop is full of beautiful colorful graphics – and not just for the game elements. The background scenery is also full of eye-catching, cheerful but surreal images – how many games have you seen where the sun has three eyes, and a big pair of headphones? Continue reading Topple Drop Game Review

Flat Bread Fractions

Some time ago, I posted a fractions puzzle involving flat bread. You can read about it here. Here’s the question – if I take a flat piece of bread, and give you half, then you give me back a quarter, then I give you back an eighth, and you give me back 1/16, and so on ad infinitum, how much of the original flat bread do I have?

Continue reading Flat Bread Fractions