Solar Powered Saffron Rice

[This is a back-issue of one of this site’s newsletters]

We got solar panels installed about 6 months ago. I did the math, and figured they’d pay themselves off within 5-6 years. Your results may vary.

I’ve been tracking very carefully how much they generate. Watching the numbers tick over produces some strange ideas in me sometimes. For example, I started wondering – if all the energy from the panels were converted into saffron, how much saffron rice could I make?

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Solar Powered Saffron

My solar panels have generated 1500 kWh of energy since they were installed 6 months ago.

Now, Einstein tells us that energy has mass. How heavy is 1500 kWh? We can use E = mc2 to find out.

Here, E is 1500 kWh, the speed of light c is 186000 miles/second. Unfortunately, we can’t just divide 1500 by the square of 186000. Sure, that would give the mass, but not in any unit I’m familiar with – when you tell me how much something weighs, I want to hear it in pounds, or kilograms, or ounces… even centiweight would do, if I have Google handy.
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Sad News for Comet Watchers

[This is a back-issue of one of this site’s newsletters]

The ancient Greeks told a story about Icarus, who wanted to fly. He glued feathers to his arms with wax, and flew – but flew too close to the sun. The wax melted, the feathers dropped, and Icarus fell to his death.

Six months ago, we were told about a coming “Comet of the Century”, comet ISON. If things had played out differently, it might have been brighter than the full moon in the dawn skies around now.

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