Newsletter #41 : Water and Wikipedia

Measuring Water

There’s a classic puzzle where you have to measure out a given volume of water – say 3 oz. To do this, you are given two cups. Unfortunately, the cups have no markings, and they measure 4 oz and 5 oz! How can you make 3 oz? The solution is to pour water from cup to cup, and to and from a source of water, so as to eventually have 3 oz in one of the cups.

On the very latest page from Dr Mike’s Math games for Kids, I’ve put a version of this puzzle you can play online. Two versions, in fact – one with two cups, and one with three. There’s also some brief tips for how to use this puzzle offline.

So have fun measuring water!


Last month, I mentioned that Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids had gained a little press coverage. In fact, the website has been in the newspapers enough so that it meets – just – Wikipedia’s criteria for “notability”. Perhaps it’s time for Wikipedia to have an article on Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids? If you’re a Wikipediam, and you’d like to be the one to start the article, hop over to this blog post to see how!

Blog Posts

Some other blog posts in the past month :

I don’t usually announce blog posts to this newsletter. If you are keen to follow the Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids Blog, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, or join this site’s Facebook Page.

Well, that’s all for today! Have a great week ahead!

Newsletter #37 : Worksheet Generators

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Last newsletter, I told you about an online worksheet generator. Using it, you can make as many worksheets as you like for testing multiplication and division by powers of ten. Since the last newsletter, I’ve improved this worksheet generator, and made another one for intervals of time. Both these generators now

  • allow you to bookmark the questions and answers of your randomly generated worksheet, so you can come back to them later
  • you can also give students the URL to the questions, but keep the answers URL secret. The answers URL is very hard to guess from the questions URL.

Continue reading Newsletter #37 : Worksheet Generators

Newsletter #36 : Cryptarithms and Powers Of 10

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Let me talk about powers of ten first, then about cryptarithms.

My wife asked me to prepare some worksheets so my son could practice multiplying and dividing powers fo ten. I figured, why make just one or two worksheets when I can make a Worksheet Generator that can churn out as many problems as anyone could want? So I did, and put it online.

Continue reading Newsletter #36 : Cryptarithms and Powers Of 10

Newsletter #35 : Timez Attack 3, Printable Sudokus and Easter

[This is a back issue of this website’s newsletter]

If you are a sudoku addict, this newsletter has some good news for you – Dr Mike’s Math Games for Kids now has an infinite number of printable sudoku puzzles! Read on for more details… But first, some exciting news from another website – Timez Attack 3.0 is out!

Continue reading Newsletter #35 : Timez Attack 3, Printable Sudokus and Easter

Newsletter #34 : Sudoku and A Blog

[This is a back-issue of this website’s newsletter]

Sudoku became popular around the same time this website went online – but somehow I never put up any sudoku puzzles on the site. I’m not sure exactly why. Perhaps I thought sudoku was just a passing fad, or perhaps there seemed to be so many other good ideas for the site… and I didn’t want to produce “just another” sudoku page.

Continue reading Newsletter #34 : Sudoku and A Blog