If you’ve ever been cured of a stomach ulcer, you can be thankful for the work of an Australian scientist, Dr Barry Marshall. As a young researcher, he and a colleague developed the idea that stomach ulcers were not just caused by stress, but by a bacterium that somehow managed to survive the hydrochloric acid in our digestive system.
Tag: statistics
Keep This In Mind
When reading the news, keep in mind that just because two things change together, doesn’t mean there’s any direct causal link.
The Math of Conspiracies and Doomsdays
Yesterday was my grandfather’s 105th birthday party. He actually turns 105 tomorrow, on the 23rd of May. Yesterday was also supposed to be the end of the world, according to a very small splinter group of Christians. Clearly, the guy who made that prediction was thoroughly convinced, and thoroughly wrong.
Why do people make predictions like that? Let’s see what the math says! But first, more about my grandfather’s birthday party…
The Math Of Housing Prices

In terms of house prices, the city where I live avoided the worst of the Global Financial Crisis. There was a spurt in house prices that stopped in 2007, but after that, prices didn’t crash, they plateaued. Now, I rent a house, and I also own a house which I rent to someone else. One day, I’d like to sell the house I own, and buy one to live in. Naturally, I pay attention to newspaper headlines like “House Prices Plummet In May!”