By Michael Hartley
This puzzle is a simple one to understand - but a doozy to solve!
First, download the printable puzzle tiles, print them, and cut them out. If you'll be using the tiles a lot, it's worth printing them on card or laminating them first.
The tiles look like this:

There are nine tiles, so they can be arranged in a 3x3 square. The challenge is to make sure the symbols on the tiles line up with their neighbours!
In the image below, I've tried to arrange four tiles, but I didn't get it right:

The tiles at the right are okay - their yellow half-hexagons match! Also, I've matched the purple half-squares at the top, and there's a nice green circle between the bottom two tiles.
Alas, the left hand tiles don't have matching symbols! I'm not allowed to put a purple half-square next to a green semicircle. I'll have to try again!
Can you do better? Can you arrange all nine tiles nicely? Try now!