By Michael Hartley
If you are looking for free printable times table charts, this is the right page for you. Below, you'll see links to free printable times table charts in large and small font sizes, all the way from the 1 times table to the 20 times table! While you are visiting, don't forget to check out the other times tables resources, including times tables games, times tables tips and more.
If you are wondering whether times table charts are a useful tool to help kids learn their times tables, let me explain why I'm so confident about this.
When I was growing up, my dad hung a huge periodic table of the chemical elements on the wall. It was in the dining room, and it was so big, you couldn't miss it. It listed all the elements, and their names, and some of their chemical properties. Now,
- My dad never drilled me on it,
- I never studied chemistry beyond high school,
- I never made an effort to memorize it.
I'm now using the same technique to help my six-year-old remember his address and his parent's phone numbers.
Anyway, I suppose you already know that charts are useful - that's why you came to this page. I've provided here a whole bunch of times tables charts in different formats. Pick whichever ones you want!

First of all, here are the classic multiplication times tables charts - lists of multiplication facts.
- Individual tables from 1 to 12 in a large font size (36 pages) - good for classrooms, or large rooms at home, or small font size (6 pages) - good for a child's bedroom or study area.
- The individual tables can also be printed, in large font size :-
- The 1 times table
- The 2 times table
- The 3 times table
- The 4 times table
- The 5 times table
- The 6 times table
- The 7 times table
- The 8 times table
- The 9 times table
- The 10 times table
- The 11 times table
- The 12 times table
- For the very enthusiastic, there's more! (Large font size only, sorry!)
- The 13 times table
- The 14 times table
- The 15 times table
- The 16 times table
- The 17 times table
- The 18 times table
- The 19 times table
- The 20 times table

Secondly, here's the same information, but in the form of a multiplication grid. I had one of these in primary school, and remember gazing over it, wondering why some numbers appeared so many times, and some numbers were missing altogether - an early introduction to prime numbers, if you like. I remember the day I finally remembered that 7 times 8 was 56 from studying a grid like these.
- Here's a multiplication grid showing Everything from 1x1 to 10x10 on a single page.
- Or, in a larger font size, Everything from 1x1 to 20x20!! It didn't fit on one page, so you'll have to cut out the nine pieces of the grid and paste them together. (If you only want a grid that goes to 12x12, just print out pages 1, 2, 4 and 5, and then cut off the last row and column.)
Hope that helps!